Portland Street Kids (PSK) - these are kids who live on the streets in Portland year round. They generally don't travel to other cities. Methamphetamine is the most common drug used in this group. They beg for money, prostitute, and are small time dealers. Generally not violent.
Gutter Punks - hardcore street kids who are generally involved in violence and crime. Hardcore drug users, gang activity, and drug distribution.
Squatters - seasonal travelers who move up and down the coast depending on weather. Same attributes as PSK, but are more transitory. This group hops trains to move to other locations.
75% live on the street year round. Sleep outside. Live under bridges, sleep in parks, or wherever they can find.
25% are couch surfing. Moving home to home until they are evicted.
Majority of these ids have been through the foster care system and end up on the street.
We will be working with Antioch Community Church, now known as "The Door." We should have known that they would be great partners they changed their names like us! It's the basis of a amazing churches. Their website is www.antiochpdx.com. The other is Transitional Youth, www.transitionalyouth.org. Transitional Youth meets 5 times a week and provides food, clothing, housing, and couseling. Meetings are called "street church." The goal of street church is to connect with homeless youth, build trust, offer guidance, and establish lasting bonds in their lives.
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